A Comparative Analysis of the English Translations of George Sale, Pickthal, Arberry, and Qarai of Sūra Al-Jinn

نوع مقاله : علمی پژوهشی


1 گروه قرآن و مستشرقان، مجتمع عالی قرآن و حدیث، جامعه المصطفی العالمیه، قم، ایران

2 گروه قرآن و مستشرقان، مجتمع عالی قرآن و جدیث، جامعه المصطفی العالمیه، قم، ایران


Translating the Qur᾽ān into English is one of the most important duties of
scholars who are proficient in the English language and Islamic teachings
and culture to convey the incomparable teachings of this eternal Divine
miracle to the seekers of truth. It is essential to know and use the
appropriate translation to communicate the pure wisdom of the Qur᾽ān.
Therefore, in this research, an attempt has been made to compare four
famous English translations of the Qur᾽ān by George Sale, Pickthal,
Arberry, and Qarai with a descriptive-analytical approach in terms of
vocabulary, grammar, and exegesis, focusing on the opening verses of the
Sūra al-Jinn to reveal the strengths and weaknesses of each translation and
to enable the reader to gain a deeper insight into the best translation. This
research shows that Sale's and Pickthal's translations have some
weaknesses in the translation of words and phrases. Arberry᾽s translation
also has weaknesses in terms of grammatical structure, vocabulary, and
communication of meaning. Compared with the translations mentioned
above, Qarai᾽s phrase-for-phrase approach is considered to be the most
accurate in terms of style, structure, vocabulary, and meaning. Therefore,
those who attempt to translate the Qur᾽ān into foreign languages should
have acquired the necessary skills and mastery of the source and target
languages in order to be able to convey the noble teachings of the Qur᾽ān. 


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